Drug interactions: Some supplements, such as antioxidants or vitamin E, may interact with existing medications you are taking. For example, vitamin E can amplify the effects of anticoagulants. If you are taking prescription medications, consult your doctor or pharmacist before adding a multivitamin to your diet.

Health history and vitamin deficiencies: Vitamins are intended to fill the gaps left by our diet. If you don't have gaps, you may not need to take a vitamin supplement. What's best for you, though, will depend on your health history and blood tests — including any vitamin deficiencies you may have. That's why it's best to talk to your doctor about multivitamin or supplement recommendations so you can get more personalized advice.

Budget: There is a quality multivitamin for every budget level. However, those with more customization or special additives – like probiotics – will cost more. Deciding how much you want to spend will help you narrow your search.

Dosage: If only every vitamin was a pill. This is not the reality of the vitamin market. Many of the best supplements require you to take five or more capsules per day. This is not ideal for some people.

Vitamin form: For people who have difficulty swallowing pills, you should consider the way your multivitamin is presented. Some tablets or capsules are larger than others and may hinder your ability to take them consistently. Consider one of the best gummy vitamins for women over 50.
